G’day Gunnedah and thank you for your continued support for the Gunnedah Times. I trust you’re enjoying your copy and the warmer weather.

Last week, I had the opportunity, alongside local business, and community leaders to attend the Daily Telegraph’s Bush Summit in Tamworth.

The summit was a great opportunity to hear from our political and industry leaders about what they believe can be done to better advance our lives in the bush.

Of all the speakers there on Friday, from the Prime Minister to the Premier, I thought the highlight was David Brownhill of Merrilong Pastural Company who broke through the political talk and spoke common sense about what needed to be done to support people in the bush.

It was a great event, highlighted by an opportunity for me to meet with the Premier and highlight Gunnedah’s issues, including increased funding for the Gunnedah Hospital, and 24-hour policing for Gunnedah.

The Premier was aware of the issues faced by Gunnedah, and I’ll continue to advocate for our region at every opportunity when parliament returns.

Next week, of course, marks the return of AgQuip for 2023!

Gunnedah is back in the headlines, and I know it’s going to be a great week for the town, with local businesses reaping the rewards of a hard-earned influx of visitors.

I’m a big advocate for the mental health benefits events like AgQuip present. It’s the opportunity to reconnect with old mates and discuss all things agriculture, helping break down the isolation that farmers can sometimes feel.

The Nationals will again have a stand at J-24 with steak sandwiches on offer for hungry visitors. This year, all proceeds will again go to Gunnedah Family Support, raising funds for those who need it most.

A big thanks to Teys Australia who donate the steaks every year and back in our fundraising efforts.

I’m looking forward to the first sandwich on Tuesday and hope to see you there!

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