Pippi Beer, Gemma Bunner, front, Georgina Nichols and Anna Wormall
Pippi Beer, Gemma Bunner, Georgina Nichols and Anna Wormall.

Katie Spencer (best dressed woman) and Matt Davis (best dressed man) at the Railway Hotel.
Katie Spencer (best dressed woman) and Matt Davis (best dressed man) at the Railway Hotel.

Jack Quinn, Jimmy Lee Warner, Sam Gulliford, Tom Nichols and Andrew Ceeney.
Jack Quinn, Jimmy Lee Warner, Sam Gulliford, Tom Nichols and Andrew Ceeney.

Robyn Gaynor Robyn Harris Joy Darcy Anne Jaeger Therese Fullwood judy Picton
Robyn Gaynor, Robyn Harris, Joy Darcy, Anne Jaeger, Therese Fullwood and Judy Picton.

Robyn Draper Jenny Urquhart Deb Clare Jeff Clare Robin Adams Liz Ironmonger
Robyn Draper, Jenny Urquhart, Deb Clare, Jeff Clare, Robin Adams and Liz Ironmonger.

Robin Howarth, Mary Browne, Teresa Murphy, Allana Donovan, Leslee Wilkinson, Kath Brady, Roz Goscomb and Deb Shaw.
Robin Howarth, Mary Browne, Teresa Murphy, Allana Donovan, Leslee Wilkinson, Kath Brady, Roz Goscomb and Deb Shaw.

Linda Lee Robin Adams Joy Darcy Judy Picton Mark Sullivan
Linda Lee, Robin Adams, Joy Darcy, Judy Picton and Mark Sullivan.

Melbourne Cup at the Court House Hotel, back, Leanne Stead, Rosa Stead, Renee Harms, Laura Reeves, front, Pete Knight, Fran Vallada and Myra Fejeder.
Melbourne Cup at the Court House Hotel, back, Leanne Stead, Rosa Stead, Renee Harms, Laura Reeves, front, Pete Knight, Fran Vallada and Myra Fejeder.

Lance Martin Sharon Smith Leith Smith F Julia Martin Troy Fenton Gail Kelly Ron Kelly
Back, Lance Martin, Sharon Smith, Leith Smith, front, Julia Martin, Troy Fenton, Gail Kelly and Ron Kelly enjoying Melbourne Cup at Club Gunnedah.

Caitlin Munnoch, Casey O’Connell and baby Camilla Lorimer.
Caitlin Munnoch, Casey O’Connell and baby Camilla Lorimer.

Enjoying the Melbourne Cup celebrations at Club Gunnedah, back, Brendan Sullivan, Stephen Sullivan, Mark Sullivan, Santos Adhikan, front, Paul Beaumont and Ron Kranjac.
Enjoying the Melbourne Cup celebrations at Club Gunnedah, back, Brendan Sullivan, Stephen Sullivan, Mark Sullivan, Santos Adhikan, front, Paul Beaumont and Ron Kranjac.