NSW state president of the CWA Joy Beames stopped in Gunnedah last week during her tour of the Namoi groups.

She met with representatives from Emerald Hill in the morning before meeting with Goolhi, Rocky Glen and Gunnedah on Tuesday with many intentions set for the day.

“A lot of people do not get to meet the state president because they may not go to the regional or group meetings or state conference,” Ms Beames said.

“To have the opportunity to come down and visit all the branches is really good for them and for me.

“I can pick up on things that maybe we might not hear because those people do not progress the issue up the chain.

“It is really invaluable to have these group tours and I like to get out and meet the people in the branches.”

Ms Beames is responsible for meeting with government ministers about advocacy issues along with representing the organisation at various events and speaking with other state presidents about pressing issues.

She gave a recent example of how her role interacts with other states.

“I spoke with the president of Victoria and Queensland [CWA branches] about issues they are having with flooding,” she said.

“So we have actually offered them financial assistance to distribute through branches in their state.

“When we have had issues in the past, they have done the same for us.

“Even though we stand alone as associations, we have also got that CWA bond.”

Relevant to Gunnedah, for the state president, was to see something done about rural crime.

“Country Mayors Association actually contacted us so we came on board because it really is worrying the level of rural crime around,” Ms Beames said.

“[It is in] small country towns where you used to feel safe.”

There are plans to ask a crime panel in May what opportunities are present for something to be done.

She brought up on a broader level concern regarding the cost of fuel and the variations between towns.

“Between one town and another, … only 20 kms away, the difference in fuel costs was 33 cents,” she said.

Emerald Hill CWA hosted State President Joy Beames to morning tea at the community hall last week. About 20 people including community members attended to chat with Ms Beames.
Pictured is branch treasurer Lara Quinn, Namoi Group president Sandra Hunter, state president Joy Beames, branch president Maxine McDonald, branch secretary Lyn Pine, branch vice president Shirley Urquhart

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