The Gunnedah Bird Sale has been rated another great success with 150 exhibitors offering more than 4000 birds for sale.
Namoi Valley Aviculture Club president AJ Byrnes said the Gunnedah event holds an enviable reputation among sellers who travel from across Australia for the opportunity to showcase their prized birds.
“Gunnedah is one of the oldest sales around, one of the originals,” Mr Byrnes said.
“It used to be the biggest sale in the southern hemisphere but Orange would probably take that title now.
“But I think it is still a good central place [to sell birds] for Queensland, Victoria, or NSW.”
On offer at this year’s sale was everything from quails and zebra finches, small and native birds, right up to the big exotic parrots.
“It’s a bit of everything this year,” he said.
The club president, who has held the role for about four years, sells mainly finches and some parrots. He said every breeder has their own interests.
Mr Byrnes’ involvement in birds stems a long family tradition.
“It has been bred into me I guess – my father has had birds for 50 years so I’ve sort of grown up with it,” he said.
Another seller from Gunnedah attending last weekend was fellow club member, Russell Jaeger.
His interests included the Eclectus parrot, which is native to parts of Australia, and the Indian Ringneck which he described as a particularly “hardy” bird.
Mr Jaeger said the birds make great pets and are often great conversationalists as well.
He regularly attends sales in towns across the state but said Gunnedah remains one of the best.
“It is a good club here and committee,” Mr Jaeger said.
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