It was a happy occasion on Tuesday morning May 14 when members of Forsyths staff presented the team at Gunnedah Workshop Enterprises with a donation of $2000.
In 2015, the Forsyths Foundation, a charity which enables team members to donate money from their salary, matched dollar for dollar by the firm, was formed.
The foundation makes an annual donation to a local charity in each of its locations.
This year the Gunnedah team nominated Gunnedah Workshop Enterprises to receive the donation of $2000.
Forsyths Kellie Bennett was pleased her suggestion was accepted.
“Gunnedah Workshop Enterprises makes a valuable contribution to the community and more needs to be done to make people aware of the role it plays in offering people the chance to come to work and make a contribution,” said Kelly.
“It’s been such an institution in Gunnedah for so long, it’s important to Forsyths to highlight what the organisation does, and hopefully the donation will help to recognise this,” added Megan Ellbourn.
Jasmine Alloway, general manager at Gunnedah Workshop Enterprises, was thrilled with the donation saying “It’s so lovely of Forsyths to think of us. There are so many worthwhile businesses in Gunnedah and we feel very fortunate to be chosen, and are very grateful.”
Kym Rassmussen, Deb Ireland, Connor Roberts, Sam Anderson and Sam Sheridan all had suggestions for how the money could be spent, from remote control cars (Connor) and workshop equipment (Sam Sheridan) to a company wide picnic (Kym).
However it was agreed that a proposal would be formulated and presented to the next area meeting to decide on the best use of the funds.
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