An amendment regarding four draft master plans was carried at July’s Gunnedah Shire Council meeting.

The original officer’s recommendation was for council to endorse the placement of Wolseley Park, Kitchener Park, Gunnedah Showground and Riverine Precinct draft master plans for public exhibition.

In 2022, Gunnedah Shire Council adopted the Gunnedah Shire Open Space Strategy for 2022-32. It aimed to “enhance open space further, in alignment with council’s and the community’s strategic goals for the future.”

It recommended the four places mentioned for further investigation and a master plan.

Cr Juliana McArthur agreed for Kitchener Park’s draft master plan to be placed on public exhibition but give the other three more time for community engagement.

She encouraged further submissions from the community upon seeing the draft master plans and believed that Kitchener was capable of standing alone.

Cr Kate McGrath seconded the motion, stating Kitchener’s plan “is fit for public exhibition as an endorsed document” as it aligns with what was asked for.

There was also disagreement in holding back the other three.

Cr Murray O’Keefe acknowledged the draft master plans were far from perfect but believed they needed to move forward.

He was concerned with the new term approaching, upcoming elected members would still be working on the plans for years to come.

The motion to move forward with Kitchener’s draft master plan and keep the other three in the community feedback stage was carried.

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