Regional health care is the worst it has been in years according to a new report by the NSW Legislative Assembly’s Select Committee on Remote, Rural and Regional Health.

The report examines what has been done in the last two years to improve the health workforce, workplace culture and funding for programs and services in the regional health system.

Committee chair, Dr Joe McGirr MP said: “The committee has seen [NSW Health’s] dedicated efforts to deliver better outcomes for the rural and regional communities that access their services. Despite these efforts, regional healthcare in NSW is the worst it’s been for many years, in a number of key areas.”

The report explores how rural general practice is in crisis, rural hospitals are relying on expensive short-term locum doctors and agency staff, and health staff are being overstretched by poor working conditions, inadequate pay and toxic work environments.

The report makes recommendations on how key responses to a 2022 upper house inquiry should be implemented, including modifying the implementation of new worker incentive schemes; working with the Commonwealth government to address the crisis in primary care; taking action to reduce the reliance on locum and agency staff; ensuring there is greater transparency when health funding models are reviewed and addressing workplace culture issues with greater urgency.

As Gunnedah Shire Council consults the community about a proposed 38.8 per cent special rate variation – which it blames in part on cost-shifting from other levels of government – the committee report also suggests local councils could take up more responsibility in health care.

“The committee found that some local governments are playing a significant role in supporting their local health systems, and council-led initiatives have had some success in improving regional healthcare. We recommend that the NSW government advocate for additional federal funding for local government to further support these council-led initiatives, particularly as they relate to services that fall within federal responsibilities (like primary care and aged care),” the report stated.

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