Ghosts, ghouls and other spooky things were at the Gunnedah Town Hall to observe some of the most eligible debutantes that this time of year can provide.

It was Can Assist’s Halloween Mock Debutante Ball, in which men dressed in the finest white dresses they could douse in fake blood while women donned the suits to match their counterpart.

Gunnedah Can Assist president Kate Knight said the committee was pleased with the result of the night, with the last ball being hosted in 2019.

“It was very well received, we were very happy with the outcome,” she said.


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Ten debs and partners put their whole hearts and makeup kit into creating a look fit for a ball.

The crowd was in hysterics over some of the interesting names of the debutantes – which they picked out themselves.

“That was the whole idea, to make it a fun night,” Kate explained.

Vice-president Lisa Ross said those debs and partners did more than just look pretty.

“They organised costumes, invited guests and sold raffle tickets,” she said.

“It was great to see the community come together for such a fun night to raise funds that stay locally to help local people.”

Michelle Cobb was the dance instructor, having the participants practise each Thursday throughout October in which, (Kate assured) they improved a lot.

Angela Cunningham, Ray McCoy, Kate and Ray Knight.

Memories were captured by photographer Liz Emmerson from EME Creations, who also set up a well received photo booth for guests.

The debutantes were presented to Marg and David Amos along with Kathryn Blinman.

Ray McCoy took on the master of ceremonies and auctioneer roles, also taking the opportunity to share his personal story about his own cancer journey.

The auction portion of the night raised about $3500 with Max Lee’s landscape artworks doing particularly well. The combined paintings raised well over $1000.

“[The artworks] were spectacular,” Kate said.

Other fundraising efforts from the night are still to be finalised.

“Thank you to all those people who donated toward the auction and raffle,” Kate said.

“Thank you to the debs [and partners] for putting their time and effort in to make it such a special night.

“Everyone was dressed up. There were lots of fabulous costumes. Each deb also decorated their table.”

There was a lot of planning behind the scenes, with Kate commending and thanking the Can Assist committee members for their work.

People will have to watch their October calendars in the future for when the next ball returns.

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