OPINION: It appears councillor Robert Hoddle’s ideas about Gunnedah’s special rate variation (‘Savings plan could save council $10m, Gunnedah Times, October 24) have achieved their intended aim of generating discussion about finances and public-owned assets. But Gunnedah Shire Council has no plans to sell GoCo Community Care.

This was just one suggestion among many put forward by then councillor candidate Hoddle in his submission to council during the local government pre-election period.

His views were expressed as a business owner and ratepayer – not on behalf of council in any respect. But those views were informed by his role then and now as an elected representative on council.

As previously reported, any decision to sell such a facility would be a huge decision and almost warrant its own separate community consultation.

The facility provides subsidised travel, activities and support for some of the most vulnerable members in our community, although much of it we’re told, is funded by respective state and federal governments – not council.

All suggestions put forward by councillor Hoddle were merely ideas for change, which as a news publication, we also felt would be worthy of discussion among Gunnedah residents.

It was one of more than 20 written submissions about the SRV which have been recently released to the public.

There has been plenty of discussion about the special rate variation proposal so far – some of it constructive, other points less so. The important thing is, people are involved.

I’m just not sure how well an increased rate variation, in addition to the 38.88 per cent increase already proposed, will be received by the local community – even if council says the extra cost-on-cost will be borne by the “mining sector”.

The community explained in no uncertain terms that the proposed rate increase was too high.

Council says the top-up to 42 per cent SRV is on the forecast three per cent increase to the rate peg value in the third year.

Again, this 42 per cent is only a proposal and was due to be discussed at last night’s October meeting of council. Time is ticking for council to make a decision on its SRV proposal – this before a lengthy, in-house pre-approval process, then later an application to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for the ultimate decision on Gunnedah’s rate increase.

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