St Mary’s College Year 12 students closed the door on 13 years of schooling with a thanksgiving Mass and awards ceremony at St Joseph’s Catholic Church last Wednesday night.
College principal Cath Martin congratulated the students and expressed gratitude to the teaching staff who had supported them over the past six years.
“When reading comments in the student surveys, the support of your teachers, especially in the senior years was mentioned by a large number of you as being significant,” Mrs Martin said.
“To obtain a HSC credential is an achievement that will hold you in good stead for the future. I am very proud of each and every one of you. Well done and congratulations.”
Mrs Martin said that one of the highlights of teaching at the same school for a long period of time was having the opportunity to be part of the journey of the students as they started as fresh-faced children in Year 7 and graduated as young adults in Year 12.
“To be part of the partnership with our families, to guide and support and nurture our students as they pass through adolescence, face the challenges along the way and then see them transform into the young adults sitting here today is truly rewarding.,” she said
“As this chapter of your life comes to an end this evening, a brand-new chapter is beginning. I hope the Mercy values of compassion, hospitality, justice, respect, excellence, stewardship and service remain with you as they have done for generations of students who have graduated before you from St Mary’s College.
“Whatever your next steps may be, whether it’s work, study, travel or a gap year, I wish you all the very best – stay true to yourself, resist peer pressure, have courage and be kind.”
Mrs Martin closed her address with an Irish blessing: “May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft on your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”
Parish priest Fr Abmar also addressed the students urging them to “be the change” in a troubled world and to carry the three virtues of faith, hope and love into their everyday lives.
Following the Mass and final blessing a light supper was served under the trees before the presentation ceremony began in the church which was packed for the occasion.
First place subject awards list: St Mary’s year 12 awards list – Gunnedah Times
Major awards:
One of the oldest awards in the history of the college is the Honour Prize for leadership bestowed on a student or students for their effective leadership, integrity and character. Donated by the Combined Catholic Schools Exstudents Association, the award was presented by president Marie Hobson and principal Cath Martin to Sidney Dangerfield, Rachel Fairfull, Indiella Bryers and Clare Canham.
Major college awards donated by Kelaher Industrial Services and Gunnedah Shire Council were presented by Gunnedah Mayor Colleen Fuller.
The prize for consistent effort awarded to a student who has consistently worked throughout the year and has made a determined effort in all their subjects was presented to Mia Wilkinson. The Senior of the Year award for outstanding effort in the school year in both scholastic and leadership activities went to Jacey Ross.
The ADF Long Tan Leadership Award donated by the Australian Defence Force was presented to Isabella Sawyer. The award recognises in senior students the values demonstrated by Vietnam War veterans in the Battle of Long Tan, including determination, mateship, teamwork, tenacity, compassion and leadership.
The Katrina Ewing Memorial prize presented to a student who has been an example of compassion, care and understanding to junior students throughout their high school years was presented to Ethan Chavula by Katrina’s parents Kerry and Bob Ewing. A former college captain, Katrina died tragically in a car accident in 2000.
The ADIG all-rounder award for a student who provides outstanding service to the college and wider community, is involved in co-curricular activities, has academic potential and will undertake post-school education was presented to Amelia Lush by George Nully-Valdez.
The O’Driscoll award donated by the Combined Catholic Schools P&F in memory of Mother Mary Bidelia O’Driscoll, the founding leader of the Gunnedah congregation of the Sisters of Mercy, was presented to Clare Canham by parish priest Fr Abmar. The award recognises a student who lives by the spirit of the gospel, shows compassion to the poor, values education and is recognises as a leader by their peers.
Olympic Changemaker Awards which recognise students for their demonstration of the olympic spirit through leadership and driving positive change for their community, were presented to Isabella Sawyer and Ethan Chavula.
Isabella Sawyer has been an outstanding athlete throughout her school years representing NSW several times at national level in high jump. She has always been a student leader with school sports, serving as house captain in 2023 and encouraging all members of her house to be involved in sporting opportunities on offer. That leadership continued into her final year at school as she promoted a great attitude towards participation in sport.
Ethan Chavula is a talented athlete who has represented the school in athletics and football. As house captain in 2023 he led his house to
victory in many different sports leading by example and encouraging others to be involved. In his final year he continued to lead by example and encourage others to get involved with school sport.
After the Higher School Certificate results are released all students who achieved a Band 6 in any subject will be placed on the NSW HSC Honours List and will be recognised at a school assembly early in 2025. The Dux of St Mary’s College will also be announced and presented to the students who achieves the highest ATAR.
The evening closed with the presentation of graduation certificates and a gift of appreciation for the contribution of students over the past six years.
The final celebration for the Class of 2024 was the school formal with family and friends at Gunnedah Town Hall on Friday night.
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