This month, Gunnedah Shire Councillors endorsed our Annual Report for 2023/24.
Every year, this important document is a clear snapshot of the work Council has progressed and the services it has provided.
The Gunnedah Shire Council Annual Report 2023/24 includes a capital works program of $58.2 million, including the $30.3 million funding provided through the State and Federal governments. That figure shows just how much investment is being made in our Shire through major projects such as the Gunnedah Koala Sanctuary and the Gunnedah Regional Saleyards Redevelopment.
The Annual Report shows our Shire has worked hard towards an even greater community.
Also available on council’s website – – is the State of our Shire Report that documents Council’s progress in implementing the Community Strategic Plan during the 2021-2024 term of Council.
This was a difficult term of Council over a time of drought, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic, but together with out community, Council still managed to achieve a significant amount.
We are heading into a very busy time of year ahead of Christmas and while there are a lot of events on, this is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with friends and family.
The Lighting of the Community Christmas Tree at Brock’s Court was scheduled for today but has been postponed due to forecast weather.
For those who are decorating their homes or businesses for Christmas, I urge you to enter the Gunnedah Christmas Lights Competition. As always, there are great prizes – and it is always lovely to see the friendly rivalry for the title of Santa Street!
If you are able, you can make a child’s Christmas even better with a donation to the Christmas Tree Toy Appeal. Every year, Council joins forces with The Salvation Army to collect toys for children whose family might be doing it tough.
You can deliver your new, unwrapped toys to Gunnedah Shire Council in Elgin Street or the Gunnedah Shire Library before Friday, December 6.
Council is also supporting a free barbecue and candlelight vigil at 7pm on Tuesday, December 10 at the Smithurst Theatre Courtyard to remember those lives lost in Australia to domestic and family violence in 2024.
This is part of the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence.
In amongst all this, we are also looking for nominations for the Gunnedah Australia Day Awards. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our quiet achievers, our consistently kind and caring citizens and our dedicated volunteers and sports people.
I urge you to help make this event as special as possible by nominating someone truly deserving.
There is more information available at
A reminder also that we are seeking feedback on the revised Special Rate Variation Proposal. There is a lot of information about the proposal on our website (click on the “Proposed Special Rate Variation” on Council’s home page), including a rates calculator that will give people a good idea about how it would impact their rates.You can provide a submission in writing by 5pm on Thursday, December 19 with all the details included on the website.
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