As Gunnedah prepares to announce its 2025 Australia Day Awards this week, the Gunnedah Times reflects with last year’s award recipients about their community recognition.

The 2024 Citizen of the Year Marie Hobson was recognised for her “outstanding contribution” to the Gunnedah community as both as “highly respected professional journalist as well as a valued volunteer”.

“To say that I felt very honoured and privileged to receive the Citizen of the Year award is an understatement,” Marie said earlier this week.

“I felt extremely humbled when I was nominated – and to have my name announced at the Australia Day dinner was overwhelming, especially with so many of my family and friends around me.

“To look around the town hall and see the many incredible people who do so much to make our community the wonderful place it is – makes me so proud – I love Gunnedah and our people – that’s why I still live here.”

Marie said it was a privilege to attend and speak at many functions as Citizen of the Year.

“Over the past year it has been my privilege to be invited to several local events, including the Australia Day activities, starting with the church service under the trees and other occasions,” she said.

“It was also an honour to be invited to the citizenship ceremony later in the year and to speak about our wonderful town and the immigrants I have known over the years who have helped to make Gunnedah great, with their cultural diversity and contributions to the workforce.

“To cap off a great year I was invited to help judge the Christmas lights competition where there was so much joy with local residents out celebrating the festive season with their neighbours and friends.”

Coralie Howe, who was presented the 2024 Ossie and Beryl Campbell Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award, said it was a great honour.

“It was something you don’t expect but certainly a nice surprise … something wonderful to look back on,” Coralie said.

The Country Women’s Association life member was recognised for her “generosity and willingness” all in CWA events at the Gunnedah branch.

Coralie recently stepped down as branch president and handed over the reins to former secretary Leonie Harley in October.

It was a big 2024 awards night for the Gunnedah CWA which also claimed the Community Achievement Award for the organisation’s “significant contribution to the community”.

Coralie said the awards reflected the collective effort of the CWA where everyone lends a hand.

“You just try to help where you can,” she said.

Also recognised at the 2024 Australia Day awards in Gunnedah was Agnes Kin Thurston.

The 2024 Cultural Achievement Award recipient, Agnes Kin Thurston, pictured with Maree Wilkinson.

Agnes was presented the Cultural Achievement Award for “showcasing not only her own Polynesian and Melanesian cultural descendency, but all the multicultural opportunities presented in the shire today”.

Agnes said her husband and children were “very proud” of her achievement which has offered subsequent opportunities in the community.

Since her award last year, Agnes has spent time speaking to students at Gunnedah High School about what culture means to her family.

Agnes also spoke with students from Coonabarabran High School about settling in Gunnedah where she has been involved in groups such as Multicultural Women’s Association, Multicultural Playgroup, as well as events supporting Harmony Day and a visit by the Princess of Tonga.

More recently the cultural award recipient has also established a Gunnedah dance group which meets regularly for fun and friendship.

Agnes wished future award recipients all the best in their endeavours – a sentiment echoed by Citizen of the Year, Marie Hobson.

“If you have been nominated for an Australia Day award this year, embrace it because you have been recognised as a valuable member of our community and are a role model for others,” Marie said.

“My mother always used to say, ‘you can’t change the world but you can make a difference in your own little patch’.

“So, my message for Australia Day 2025 is the same – ‘let’s go out and make a difference’.

“Happy Australia Day everyone.”

The 2024 Volunteer of the Year Award recipient, Coralie Howe. Pictured with then deputy mayor Rob Hooke.


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