The Gunnedah shire has a full schedule of Australia Day activities ready for Sunday.
Carroll Progress Association will be hosting its annual fishing competition in the village’s boundaries.
The Gunnedah Times asked the association’s treasurer Zoie Baker what fish have been biting in town.
“A few people have been catching cod and yellow bellies,” she said.
People in the competition will only be able to target those fish currently legal to catch, including carp.
Winners can expect prizes such as fishing rods and lures along with cash prizes, hopefully to use next year as reigning champions.
The fishing competition is not the only event the community is invited to in Carroll.
Once the fishing rods are retired and fish sufficiently judged, the association will have plenty of fun planned, including activities to keep the children happy.
“We will be having a barbecue, a meat raffle, slip and slide along with sack races at Carroll Park,” Zoie said.
Meanwhile in Gunnedah, a long-standing Australia Day competition is continuing with a new host.
Oak Tree Retirement Village is excited to organise the Great Aussie Bake-off for the first time this year.
There has been talk of some friendly rivalry between residents at the retirement village to show off that particular skill. Hopefully, that same enthusiasm will be seen in members of the public.
People of all ages are encouraged to join, including children by decorating arrowroot biscuits or patty cakes.
Competitors older than 12 years will bring in their best lamingtons, Anzac biscuits, damper, Australian-themed iced patty cakes, Australiana biscuits and iced butter cakes.
The village was more than happy to run the competition when asked to, wanting to see it continue after many years of the Gunnedah Shire Band hosting it.
There will be prizes yet to be announced for first place.
It doesn’t get much more Aussie than yabby and ‘roach’ races, thong throwing, and barbecues, which are some of the activities planned around the shire according to the most recent Australia Day program.
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