By Top State Office Choice

Some of the best businesses began in garages and have since gone from strength to strength. Top State Office Choice is a prime example of this remarkable entrepreneurial Journey.

They are celebrating 43 years in business and are still forging ahead as a locally-owned competitive alternative for business office supplies.

The story began in September 1981 when one of the founders, Ken Cramp, asked two colleagues, Graham Clibborn and Rod Wratten, to consider a new business.

Ken then went on to contact major wholesalers in Australia and gained their support for the new venture. Plans were made to rent shop space in Brisbane Street.

The one snag was that the occupier was three weeks late moving out.

So Top State started in Ken’s father’s garage in East Tamworth for a short time before moving to the Brisbane Street shop front. Later, it moved to 12 Bourke Street and expanded to No. 9 Bourke Street, where it continues to operate today.

In December 1995, Nigel Clancy joined the team with a key focus to move the business forward and grow to become the leading provider of office supplies in the local and regional areas of North West and New England.

“There has been continual change within the industry, including diversification in products and services provided,” said Mr Clancy.

“Over the years, continual expansion of a range of products has been key to the success of the business.”

One major milestone for the business was joining forces with Office Choice in 2014, one of Australia’s largest office supply buying groups.

“This was to ensure continued support of the community in a competitive way and locally,” said Mr Clancy.

“The business still focuses strongly on Individual contact and customer service.”

“We also service a wide range of customers, from the Queensland border to the Upper Hunter – giving to regional communities the same access that cities and the larger towns have,” he said.

Other notable achievements for Top State Office Choice include nominations and a win in the Tamworth Quality Business Awards.

In the future, the team will focus on providing personal service at a local level.

“We will continue to give customers the opportunity to have face-to-face service as was the initial goal,” said Mr Clancy.

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