Celebrating family and friendship was the running theme for the Breeza community on Australia Day.
“It’s a time to reflect, catch up with friends and be grateful for what we’ve got,” Breeza resident Keith Downey said.
He attended the Australia Day community barbecue – hosted by Breeza Progress Association – with wife Angela and neighbouring residents.
Helping to cook lunch was Rick Rose who said Australia Day was an opportunity for all citizens and residents to recognise the national spirit.
“Australia is a fair country and we all should learn to live together,” he said.
As adults chatted over sausage sandwiches and cool drinks on a typically hot Australian summer’s day, children played novelty games and enjoyed a hit on the village’s relatively new tennis courts.
Andrew Pursehouse from Breeza Station was also among those attending the Australia Day event. He said the refurbished tennis courts were delivered by the Breeza Progress Association with assistance of a government grant.
New picnic tables, seating, pathways, kitchen and toilet amenities, have also been added or upgraded in recent years at the town’s main park area on the Kamilaroi Highway.
Long term, the association hoped acquire more funding to install court lighting as well.
Progress association president Phillip Newell has been a part of the Breeza community since he was young.
He moved from Murrurundi at the age of four and spent much of his early schooling life at Breeza.
“I was involved in just about everything at the village sport-wise,” he said.
Mr Newell took on the progress presidency in 2019 in appreciation for the village community which can provided him in life much already.
“I was raised here and just wanted to give something back,” he said, describing the association as a “fantastic little organisation”.
Breeza’s Australia Day event was hosted with support from Gunnedah Shire Council.
Phillip Newell with Angela and Keith Downey.
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