The Gunnedah branch of Can Assist  has received a huge boost in funds with a donation of $5000 through the NSW ClubsGrants Scheme.

Committee members Kate Knight and Linda Lee were delighted to receive a cheque from Gunnedah Services and Bowling Club secretary/manager Denis Lane last week.

ClubsGrants is one of Australia’s largest grants programs providing more than $100 million in cash each year, to charities, sporting organisations and not-for-profit groups. In the year ended August 31, 2021, GSBC had given out close to $50,000 across two categories.

Can Assist president Kate Knight said the volunteer group is very 
grateful for the grant which will be used to help support local members of the community undergoing treatment for cancer at major treatment centres.

“We are committed to ensuring that all people have equitable access to cancer treatment and care by providing financial assistance and practical support,” Kate said.

“Our branches are run by dedicated teams of members and volunteers who will provide financial aid with your specific needs in mind. Our assistance to you is strictly confidential.” 

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