There was a touch of nostalgia as Annette Eveleigh hosted her eighth and final Biggest Morning Tea for the Cancer Council in Curlewis last week after raising thousands of dollars for the cause.
Locals gathered in Annette’s sunny back garden for a chat over a cuppa on Thursday morning as their host expressed her grateful thanks to everyone for their support, especially Sue Sutherland who has attended every event since it began.
Sue was surprised and delighted to receive a flowering potted plant as a token of appreciation.
Annette began hosting the morning tea in memory of her mother and her brother who were both lost to cancer, but the event gained even more importance to her when her son-in-law died at the age of 26.
Annette cooks up a storm before the morning tea providing delicious treats for her guests, buys prizes for the raffles and pots plants for the trading table with locals also sharing produce from their garden.
As the years roll by Annette said she has had a wonderful time but says it is time to retire.
“I have had wonderful support from everyone and I was pleased to discover in recent years that the funds raised locally come back to the area in support services for people having cancer treatment,” Annette said.
“Thank you to everyone who has come along over the years, we have raised between $800 and $1000 at each morning tea.”
This year the Cancer Council has a target of $12 million, to fund research, prevention and support services.
for those affected by cancer.