Gunnedah Shire is a great place to live.
We enjoy an enviable lifestyle in a scenic area, and we have a caring community. We have good schools, a new hospital in the pipeline and a growing economy.
And we have plenty of jobs. As our businesses and industry grows, so do our employment opportunities.
All the statistics show that many Australians are making the shift to regional and rural areas. The trend has continued beyond the pandemic as people who are struggling to make their way in metropolitan areas realise they can live a better lifestyle in the bush.
And the push is also on to show migrants just how great the regional lifestyle can be.
Gunnedah was recently listed as the second most beautiful town in New South Wales on a travel website. We have a lot to offer and we need to share the news.
As well as a new hospital, state-of-the-art saleyards are under construction and a koala sanctuary is being built.
With work about to get underway on the airport tarmac, we are also looking at an opportunity for a commercial airline to once again directly link Gunnedah Shire to other centres. Early results from a recent survey by Gunnedah Shire Council shows this is something travellers would strongly support, with opportunities for people to travel to Gunnedah for work, events and to visit friends and family.
Direct flights would also be one more reason to move to Gunnedah and to take up job opportunities in our shire.
We have been through a time of unprecedented capital works over the past few years in partnership with the state and federal governments.
We now have a change of state government and are ready to welcome the new faces in the NSW Cabinet, alongside the members of the Shadow Cabinet. Our council will continue to work towards fruitful and practical relationships with the NSW government to achieve the best results for Gunnedah Shire.
We will continue to keep our community’s priorities in the forefront of the minds of the people who make decisions at every level.
Gunnedah Shire is indeed a great place to live and together, we will make it even greater.
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