St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church hall and grounds were alive with colour and the intoxicating fragrance of flowers as the annual flower show and fair took centre stage last Saturday.

Crowds of people flocked in and out of the hall for hours admiring the many beautiful plants and blooms on display. Visitors could also enjoy a sumptuous morning tea or tasty offerings from the barbecue in the delicious spring sunshine, as highland dancer Annabel Hall had toes tapping and hands clapping to catchy Scottish tunes and the intricate sword dance.

Performance of sword dances in the folklore of Scotland is recorded from as early as the 15th century.

The stalls also proved popular with everything from books and CDs to videos and crockery, jams and preserves.

The overall champion of the show was Rozzie Torrens, who displayed stunning plants and blooms from her hillside garden along with thriving pots of indoor plants.

The most successful exhibitor was Julia Withers with flowers from her beautiful garden and a stunning arrangement of Bird of Paradise blooms, also known as a ‘crane flower’ or ‘bird’s tongue flower’. There was also a section for children, with tempting decorated biscuits on display and clever craft. Hattie Browne won the champion prize in the pre-school section, with Evelyn Browne awarded first place in the decorated biscuit section (Kinder to Year 3).

Overall champion Rozzie Torrens pictured with two of her winning exhibits.

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