The hilarious cooking show comedy Kitchen Witches is coming to The Civic this Saturday.

Gunnedah locals feature in the production with tickets to a one-off show now on sale.

Directed by Jenny Sullivan and presented by the Tamworth Dramatic Society, Kitchen Witches involves two mature age cable-TV cooking hostesses, Isobel Lomax and Dolly Biddle, who have despised each other for more than 30 years.

Circumstances bring the pair together in the kitchen and their antics become the essence of a top rating TV program that ends up outshining the likes of Martha Stewart and Jerry Springer.

“We are thrilled to be able to collaborate with Arts North West and Tamworth Dramatic Society to bring Kitchen Witches to Gunnedah after its Tamworth run,” Gunnedah Shire Council manager economy and growth Susan Frater said.

Tickets are available via for a 7.30pm start on Saturday evening.

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