Gunnedah Police and specialist police from within the Oxley Police District are investigating a recent increase in property theft involving Break & Enter, Stealing Motor Vehicles and thefts from motor vehicles which have primarily been committed in and around the Callander Avenue, Gunnedah area. Two of the stolen vehicles were burnt out whilst others have been recovered and forensically examined. In all, there have been 11 break and enter (including attempts with entry gained) and seven stolen motor vehicle offences in the past two weeks.
About half of stolen vehicle incidents have resulted from persons breaking into a house, locating the car keys and then stealing the vehicle.
A motor vehicle stolen overnight (Wednesday) has been recovered in the Hunter Valley. Two persons are currently assisting police with inquiries.
Police have spoken with the manager of MacKellar Health and will continue to work with management in an effort to reduce incidents of crime.
As always, anyone with information that might assist in further investigating these and any other crimes is encouraged to contact Gunnedah Police Station on 67429099 or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000. If persons posting information on social media have information that might assist, they are also encouraged to share that information with Gunnedah Police or Crimestoppers.
Authorities are investigating two vehicle fires in the Gunnedah shire last week.
Rural Fire Service volunteers responded to one incident near the Wandobah Road about 4am on Wednesday, October 2. The vehicle fire, which reportedly occurred near the Milroy Road intersection, was controlled by fire crews within the hour. An RFS spokesperson told the Gunnedah Times yesterday an investigation was underway into the fire but the cause had not been determined.
On Thursday, October 3, RFS crews also responded to another vehicle fire in the region – this time on the Oxley Highway at Carroll.
The spokesperson said RFS crews responded about 3.15am, and had contained the fire by 4.20am before leaving the scene at 4.30am.
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