Gunnedah shire mayor Colleen Fuller has been recognised for 20 years’ service to local government.
The long-serving councillor was presented with a certificate of recognition and pin at the Local Government NSW Annual Conference in Tamworth.
Cr Fuller graciously bestowed much appreciation to her councillor colleagues past and present, as well as staff.
“It’s a real privilege, an honour, but it’s not just mine, it’s for everyone to share,” the mayor said.
“The team we have going forward is very positive.”
Cr Fuller paid particular thanks to Gunnedah Shire Council general manager Eric Groth for the award nomination.
“I thought it was very good of Eric to support me,” she said.
Mr Groth said Cr Fuller has served the shire for 21 years as a local government councillor having been first elected in 2003.
“This award from LGNSW, the peak body for councils in NSW, is a timely recognition of all those years of service,” he said.
“As many know, Colleen is always there to support her community members and has done and continues to do so much, including her contribution to many organisations, not least of which is Meals on Wheels.
“It is great to see Colleen receive this well-deserved acknowledgement, and I congratulate her on behalf of all at council.”
For the last 18 years on council, Cr Fuller has also been a valued member of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association – twice as vice president and twice more as president.
Now a life member of the association, she said the advocacy organisation plays a pivotal role in supporting women in leadership positions on council.
Cr Fuller instituted a ‘buddy program’ some years ago when women were heavily outnumbered in local government – a mentoring service she continues today despite strong advancements in the election of women.
Cr Fuller said many other changes have occurred during her time on council, not least the modest remuneration for councillors.
“When I started we were paid $400 …. a month!” she said.
Recent legislative changes ensure Gunnedah councillors now also receive superannuation with their annual fee. But Cr Fuller emphasised that elected members are not motivated by the pay.
“We all do it for our community,” she said.
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