A craft group formed 25 years ago to share knowledge and friendship has presented a cheque for  $1000 to Can Assist – a small group of volunteers who work  tirelessly to raise funds and assist  local people in the community who are affected by cancer and are undergoing treatment.

Can Assist president Kate Knight and secretary Linda Lee were recently invited to meet up with some of the ladies from the craft group who gather each Thursday at the Apex Hall where they enjoy fun, food and fellowship while also creating some beautiful handicrafts.

“Some of the items they create are sold and this allows them to donate funds back to the community,” Kate Knight said.

“Donations like this allow us to financially assist people going through cancer treatment and we were truly delighted to receive $1000 from the ladies last Thursday.

“The ladies believe it will go on for many years to come. So much of our fundraising has been on hold due to COVID we are truly grateful for donations such as these.

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