The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA)says local industries in regional communities risked being “wiped out” by emission reduction mandates led by the “Macquarie Street political elite”.

The IPA, described as an independent, non-profit public policy research organisation, dedicated to preserving the foundations of economic and political freedom, is touring communities such as

Gunnedah to discuss the employment implications of the major parties’ state election emission reduction policies.

“There is a palpable fear in regional communities that they are not being listened to by their representatives,” IPA deputy executive director Daniel Wild said.

“Today, a typical worker in regional Australia is over three times more likely to have their job put at risk by net zero than a typical worker in the inner cities.

“We need political leaders to back the regions. Our regions have so much promise and potential but are held back by short-sighted policies which risk closing critical industries, and ending well-paid, full-time jobs.”

An IPA report published in April 2022 titled, The Economic and Employment Consequences of Net Zero Emission by 2050 in Australia, identified net zero will cost the Australian economy around $274 billion in lost economic output and will stop the creation of more than 478,000 jobs across Australia. Additionally, it said all coal, gas, and oil projects in the construction pipeline must be cancelled to achieve the net zero target.

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