The annual Country Music Muster at Gunnedah Showground was a huge success, with the camping area attracting more than 100 mobile homes, from the giant ‘fifth wheeler’ right down to small caravans and even a swag or two.

Country music fans gathered from South Australia, Victoria, NSW, Queensland and the ACT for five days of great music, lots of fun and a look at local attractions.

After a year off due to COVID restrictions, organiser Rex Baldwin said the muster was “the best ever” with some of the walk-up performers displaying amazing talent.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were given over to walk-up artists and the people’s choice winner also performed on the Saturday at the main stage with award-winning country music artists who performed from 8:30am Saturday until 4.30pm on Sunday. The walk-up winner was visitor  Greg Nowland.

Bucketing rain on Saturday did not stop the mini-Olympics with the events moving indoors to the Griffith Pavilion for fun and laughter as teams took on darts, quoits, rubber boot throwing, circle ball, knock ‘em down dollies and mini golf, followed by a team quiz.

The overall winners were the A Team-Wild made up of Wilf Mason, Tony and Sharon White and Andre Duro.

Relieved to have the event run without a hitch, Rex Baldwin thanked his support team and sponsors.

“This event is so important for our town,” Rex said.

“At a rough estimate I would say it has injected tens of thousands of dollars into the economy.

“Our visitors all spent money in town and also bought food and fuel, dined out and visited tourist attractions.

“Next year will be the 10th anniversary so we are planning a big one.”

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