
Candidate Colleen Fuller.

In my home town we want to see it continue to grow with strong opportunities for business, more housing, more youth opportunities and continue to support local charities.

As a councillor for 20 years, I have tried to stay in budget and treat council’s money as my own.

I was elected when the council lost so much employment in the town and we worked very hard to get our community out of debt but I cannot support the rate increases at 24 per cent and 12 per cent.

There are families doing it really tough and I have families, pensioners, farmers, businesses and one-household incomes that just cannot afford it.

I believe that we can make changes that are more suitable to our community.

We need only spend money when roads and all infrastructure have to be maintained.

Listening to the community has always been important to me.

I am married to Ron, have five children, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

I am proudly driven by family and my motto: listen, learn and respect people’s views.

I have 20 years’ experience in local government and I support mining, farming, local business and our villages.

I represent the community on several committees including president of Gunnedah Meals of Wheels, Yallambee Aged Care, Gunnedah Miners’ Support Group and Pink Up Gunnedah. I am also a life member of Local Government Women’s Association and numerous council committees.

I cannot promise everything the community wants as there are eight others to be elected but I will work collectively with all organisations that represent the Gunnedah Shire and look forward to continuing to support our community.

Authorised by Colleen Fuller, 16 Walter Rodd St., Gunnedah NSW 2380


Candidate Linda Newell

For those that do not know me, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Linda Newell and I have lived in our community for 23 years. I grew up in Narrabri, so I’ve been a country girl most of my life. I moved to Armidale when I was 18, to attend the University of New England, graduating with an Honours in Psychology.

Like many young country kids, I spent several years working in cities however, with the birth of my first child, Emily, I found myself pining for the bush and the idyllic lifestyle country living provides for families. I wanted my children to experience that sense of community, where you look out for each other and know your neighbours.

I moved to Gunnedah in 2001, and started in a role working with youth who were disengaged from family, education and community. Although a challenging job, I loved the work, collaborating with local service providers to support these vulnerable young people. During this period, I was involved in committees including PCYC and Gunnedah Family Support Services.

My twin boys Aidan and Liam were born prematurely in 2003. We spent several weeks at John Hunter Hospital living at Ronald McDonald House. This was an incredibly difficult time and sadly Liam died at 22 days. On returning to Gunnedah, with the support of the local supermarkets, chemists and the community, we delivered boxes of toiletries back to Ronald McDonald House to support other families in their time of need.

I am still eternally grateful for the support and generosity this community showed.

My fourth child Samuel was born in 2004.

Life got really busy and I relished my role as a stay-at-home mum. With a young family came playgroup, preschool and school.

As my children moved through each stage, I was involved in committees during their early learning and an active parent in the school community. As my children grew and started to pursue activities, I was hands on involved in coaching/overseeing sport teams and joined numerous committees relating to their interests, including swimming club, Gunnedah Shire Band and P&Cs.

I returned to casual work, teaching at TAFE. The work was in school hours which suited the demands of my young family. I took on the role of overseeing the TAFE Student Council and the TAFE counsellor position. When the school leaving age in NSW changed to 17 years, I was employed by TAFE to review outcomes of early school leavers across the institute.

It was during this period I had the privilege of working on the BackTrack program with Bernie Shakeshaft, running a pilot program for young girls disengaged from education.

Rural communities can struggle to retain allied health staff. Rural practice can be challenging and isolating for new practitioners.

In 2010, with two other psychologists, we founded SWaP (Social Workers and Psychologists).

The purpose of SWaP is to welcome and support new practitioners moving into our community and we continue to meet every second month.

My next work adventure started in 2013, in the area of Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

It was during this period I was awarded a partial scholarship to complete post graduate qualifications in Mental Health (Child and Adolescent).

Passionate about youth work and with teenagers of my own, I ventured to Gunnedah High School where I worked as a Student Support Officer for two years. I returned to Health in 2022, where I’m currently working as a psychologist in the adult community mental health team.

I continue to be active in community, involved with the Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) and recently supported PCYC with fundraising for Nations of Origin.

After 26 years of parenting, I became an empty nester this year. All three of my adult children are off at university chasing their own dreams.

It takes a village to raise a child and I am very grateful to this community for the opportunities my children had growing up in Gunnedah. For me, running for local council is an opportunity to give back.

I am here to serve, to listen and represent the community to the best of my ability.

Authorised by Linda Newell, 124 Edward Street, Gunnedah NSW 2380


Candidate Ann Luke

My name is Ann Luke, and for the past eight years, I have had the privilege of serving as a Councillor for Gunnedah. I am a semi-retired vet, mother, grandmother and friend.

Gunnedah has been my home for the past 33 years; it is here that I have built my life and raised my family which is why I’m deeply committed to the well-being and future of our community.

My journey in Gunnedah began over three decades ago when I moved here and started a small animal veterinary clinic. For more than 20 years, I provided care to the pets of our community. Although my clinic has since closed, my passion for animal welfare has not waned. I continue to work with the Gunnedah branch of the Animal Welfare League delivering vaccinations and desexing.

In addition to my work as a vet, I have been an active member of the Gunnedah Chamber of Commerce, where I served as President. During my tenure, I supported local businesses by advocating for their needs to promote economic growth in our town. My experience in both business and community service has given me a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that Gunnedah faces.

One of my core priorities is the sustainable growth of Gunnedah. I am passionate about initiatives that will allow our town to prosper while preserving the close-knit, small-town community that we all cherish.

My vision for Gunnedah is one where our children and grandchildren can live, work, and thrive for generations to come. To achieve this, I will continue to advocate for economic development that benefits both big and small businesses, creating a vibrant and diverse economy that supports the needs of all residents.

As your Councillor, I have always strived to be a practical and honest voice for our community. My decisions are guided by thorough research, careful consideration, and a commitment to truth. I believe that no loud minority should have undue influence over our town’s future, and I am dedicated to ensuring that our Council operates with integrity and transparency.

I believe that the people of Gunnedah deserve a Council that is open, honest, and accountable. Which is why I am deeply committed to keeping the process fair and transparent, ensuring that every voice is heard, and every decision is made in the best interest of our community.

As a mother and grandmother, I understand the importance of building a future that we can be proud of. I have raised my two boys here in Gunnedah, and now they are raising their children in the region. I want to ensure that Gunnedah remains a place where families can flourish, and our children can grow up in a safe and supportive environment.

In my spare time, I enjoy walking my dog, cooking, gardening, looking after my chooks, and playing bridge. These simple pleasures remind me of the values that make Gunnedah such a special place to live – community, connection, and a deep appreciation for the land and its people.

As your Councillor, I am proud to serve this community, and I am committed to continuing the work we have started. Together, we can build a brighter future for Gunnedah – one that honours our past, embraces our present, and looks forward to a prosperous and sustainable future. I humbly ask for your vote, so we can continue this journey together.

Authorised by Ann Luke, 98 Barber Street, Gunnedah NSW 2380


Candidate Juliana McArthur

I seek your #1 vote to strongly represent our community’s needs and expectations.

We have a healthy local economy, diverse interests and cultures, a beautiful landscape, and a bright future.

Council has done much in the past term including encouraging more doctors to town, improving revenue generating assets like the saleyards, upgrading the airport runway so emergency aircraft can land, working towards 24/7 policing, improving sports and the showground facilities, improving water infrastructure, helping small business with startup costs, giving grants to community groups and schools, and approving several large new housing projects. But there is much more to be done.

As ratepayers, we want to see waste cut and efficiencies found at Council, so we have good value for our rates.

This is what businesses, farms and households have to do during tough economic times, and so must Council. We want transparency and accountability in our Council, to have confidence that our rates are being spent in ways that build capacity for services, increase investment, and enhance our future.

We want decent roads and a safer community.

These are the basics – to this we can add things like develop the cultural arts precinct, improve family recreation areas like mountain trails and the riverine precinct, give our young people more work and leisure opportunities, and bring more tourists and businesses to town. I’m a listener, a strategic thinker, and I work to find solutions to get things done.

We can work together to make Gunnedah the #1 place to live in regional NSW.

Authorised by Juliana McArthur, 22 Abbott Street, Gunnedah NSW 2380


Candidate Kate McGrath

It has been my great privilege to have served as a Councillor for the Gunnedah Shire.

I am excited to continue on in this role to serve and strengthen this great community.

I have a strong background in the community and care sector and bring this experience and knowledge to building a strong, inclusive and connected community.

I am urging voters to consider their vote in the context of building a team. An ideal council is truly representative of the community, made up of people from all walks of life with all types of skills, expertise and experience.

A diverse Council is a strong Council.

Authorised by Kate McGrath, 26 George St, Gunnedah NSW 2380


Candidate Rob Hooke

I am very happily married to local girl, Renee. We have three married boys and eight grandchildren. I grew up on a property near Scone. Secondary education in Armidale, followed by Dip Farm Management, Marcus Oldham Ag College, Geelong.

In our early married life, we sold the Scone property and moved to Melbourne where I studied for a B. App. Science and a Dr of Chiropractic. Having graduated, we moved to Cootamundra where I practised for 20 years as well as running a grazing property. A physical breakdown to my body saw a career change and we moved to Batemans Bay where we established a marine business importing “Stabi Craft” boats from New Zealand. We had up to seven employees and exhibited at 11 boat shows per year, earning us International Dealer of the Year.

We sold that business in 2010 and moved to Gunnedah to care for Renee’s aging father.

I joined Council in 2016 and have been Deputy Mayor the past six years.

I would like to address the most serious issue currently facing our Shire: the proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV). I believe some form of SRV is necessary to maintain services however, what that number looks like will be influenced by the feedback Council receives from the community survey. My position is to use that data and, in collaboration with staff and other Councillors, find ways to minimise the financial burden on ratepayers.

The financial position Council faces is not of its own making but a direct result of under resourcing and cost shifting by State and Federal Governments. This cannot continue, and I see one of my roles being to lobby governments for changes to the Local Government funding model.

Our agricultural sector generates over 50 per cent of this shire’s productivity. In many instances farmers are dealing with substandard roads. The lifeline of any farm is its transport links. I believe there needs to be more resources directed towards our unsealed road network.

Recent discussions have highlighted the fact that our villages feel left out. To grow our shire and maintain standards it is important to focus on the needs of the entire region. Connecting and supporting village Progress Associations is the vital link in understanding and addressing local issues.

While the redevelopment of the Gunnedah Hospital is underway, this project falls well short of community expectations and what was proposed. We must continue to lobby for adequate services such as oncology, dialysis and obstetrics. It’s not good enough that expectant mothers cannot be guaranteed to have their baby in Gunnedah or even in Tamworth for that matter.

After years of working alongside our local TAFE college, it is pleasing to see more trade-based opportunities being offered. There is still more to do in supporting local TAFE to further develop programmes relevant to local industry need.

While the Gunnedah Shire’s economy is strong, it is important to explore opportunities for further business development. We need to future proof ourselves against the time when mining is no longer part of the economic landscape.

Crime is of major concern for all. As part of the solution, we need adequate police numbers and a station open 24 hours a day. We must continue to pressure the State Government to deliver fair and equitable policing across the State.

Authorised by Rob Hooke, 13/4 Favell St Gunnedah NSW 2380


Candidate Greg Petersen

Hi, I’m Greg Petersen, and first of all, thanks for taking the time to read this.

For the past 16 years, I’ve worked for 2MO Pty Ltd firstly as the Triple G FM Breakfast Announcer and currently as the 2MO Breakfast Announcer. During this time, I’ve met and talked with people from all walks of life, which has given me a unique insight into the issues affecting our Shire and also what values we as a community hold dear.

I’ve also been active with sporting clubs particularly with GBA and Gunnedah PCYC and have enjoyed meeting with many people over the years and the friendships formed.

As a parent, I’ve seen firsthand the wonderful work our Gunnedah Hospital’s doctors and nurses do each and every day doing their best with the resources available to them.

I’ve seen the tireless work our high school and primary school teachers put in so that your children and my children can get the best education possible regardless of living here in regional Australia.

I, just like you, have seen the devasting effects crime has done to our beautiful part of the world. It saddens me no end to see the negative effects from this.

Time and again, I’ve witnessed governments forget about our needs here in regional Australia completely or throw us ‘chump change’ and expect that to cover services.

The reason I’ve put my hand up to run for Council is to be your voice in Council Chambers so the community is represented in all matters and also see that our hard working Gunnedah Shire receives their fair share.

If you elect me, I will strive to make sure we move forward in a positive direction.

I truly look forward to working with the elected councillors in continuing the Gunnedah Shire in a bright and positive future.

We’ll fight for you to be heard.

Authorised by Greg Petersen, 59 Breeza Street, Carroll NSW 2340


Candidate Rob Hoddle

I am asking you to vote for me as your first choice at the Gunnedah Shire elections.

Having been on the Gunnedah Shire Council for the last three years and gained experience, I would like to serve for another term as Councilor.

I am the only rural-based candidate standing for Council.

There are many Council issues I would like to be involved with and find resolutions to.

The special rate variation (SRV) is the issue that is forefront in many Gunnedah people’s minds.

I am aware there is discontent about the amount of the rise and why it has become necessary.

Council has had funding cut by the Federal Government and also costs have been pushed onto Council by the State Government, so it is understandable that Council needs to raise more revenue to maintain services. However, the solution to the problem needs to be done through a mixture of cost savings and efficiency gains, sale of surplus assets and the SRV. I can identify over $1m in cost savings that Council can make.

I can see there are assets held which are outside the requirements of Council which could be sold for several million dollars.

The SRV, as proposed, hits some sectors disproportionately, most notably farming and business. Some family farms could see their rates rise by over $40,000.

I will propose the SRV be set at a 10 per cent increase for each of the next three years. Additional funds would be collected through efficiency gains and asset sales.

There are many complaints about the state of our rural roads.

I will propose a rural roads committee be formed with rural community members and the engineer sitting down and discussing maintenance and improvements and better understanding each other.

The other concern I have is the Koala Park as it still does not have an operator signed up. We will have to work hard to get a viable outcome for the Park to operate and be something the community can be proud of.

It gives me great heart to see our youth occupied with playing sport and it is essential that Council continues to provide excellent facilities for our young people.

Our riverside sporting grounds are really becoming a showpiece.

As a consummate grower of trees, I will always advocate for the greening of our CBD, we need shade to cool our hot summers and a beautiful main street and surrounds.

I have been involved in running our family farming business with my wife Fiona and children George, Charlotte and Edward, for over 40 years in Gunnedah and prior to that near Coolah.

I hold a Bachelor of Economics degree from The University of New England.

Our family has developed irrigation, run a meat exporting business from Gunnedah Abattoir and operated a successful restaurant in Gunnedah. I have held numerous industry positions with NSW Farmers and Citrus Australia Ltd.

Vote for Robert Hoddle as your number one candidate and I’ll be pushing for a more efficient and more productive Council.

Authorised by Robert Hoddle, Gunnible, Gunnedah NSW 2380

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