With Gunnedah’s temperatures in full summer swing, vets are giving a timely reminder to keep pet sun safety at the front of mind.

This week has reported and forecasted temperature in mid 20s and 30s in Gunnedah according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

Vet Dr Sasha Nefedova has answered commonly asked questions by pet parents to help dispel myths.

Can I still take my dog for a walk?

Your dog will still need their exercise; however, opt to take them for a walk either in the morning or in the evening, avoiding the hottest part of the day. If the pavement is too hot for the palm of your hand, it is also too hot for your dog’s paws.

I’m just leaving my pet in the car for a moment, is that ok?

Never leave your pet in the car for even a moment. The temperatures in cars can climb to more than double the outside temperature in a matter of minutes even with the windows down. These extreme heats can cause a multitude of issues for your pet; it can take as little as six minutes for a dog to die in a hot car.

Can dogs get sunburnt?

Yes, they can! While it’s more prevalent in summer, it can occur at any time where the sun exposure is high. Dogs with patchy or no fur cover, or shorter and thin hair, are more susceptible. While different dogs have a higher or lower natural risk of sunburn, no dog is immune to sun damage as there are areas with thin fur or no fur such as their ears, the bridge of their nose, their belly and groin, or thinly haired parts of the face such as near their eyes.

Your dog may show one or more signs of red or pink skin, sore or tender skin, hair loss, dry or cracked skin and even skin ulcers. To treat sunburn, place a cool compress on the affected areas or aloe vera gel, if the burns are more severe, contact your vet as your pet may need medication or pain relief. Consider prevention with a dog-safe sunscreen, avoiding human sunscreens as they can be toxic.

Do I need to shave my dog’s fur to keep them cool?

Each dog is different, discuss with your groomer what your dog’s best cut for summer might be as your pet’s fur helps regulate their body temperature, and protects their skin from sunburn. As with all times of the year, brush their coat regularly to remove dead hair, prevent matting and increase air circulation.

What are the signs that my pet is dehydrated?

The most common symptom of dehydration is a loss of skin elasticity and tacky gums. Your pet may also look lethargic, have sunken eyes, a high temperature or may pant excessively.

Can pets get heat stroke?

Absolutely. Animals are unable to regulate their body temperature the way humans do through sweating. The conditions that cause dehydration can also cause heat stress. All dogs can suffer from it, especially those with shorter noses, like bulldogs, pugs and boxers. Cats can also be affected by heat stress, however their symptoms may be more subtle than those your dog will display.

What are the signs of heatstroke?

If your dog or cat is suffering from heat stroke, they may initially show signs like excessive panting and drooling, as well as restlessness or agitation. Once these symptoms start to appear, the effects of heat stress can escalate quickly causing breathing to become laboured and difficult, a change in gum colour, diarrhoea, dizziness and weakness. In cats, there are unique signs that dogs don’t exhibit such as excessive grooming, reduced urine production and panting; open mouth breathing isn’t normal behaviour in cats.

What do you do if you think your pet is experiencing heatstroke?

If you suspect your pet is suffering from heat stress, try to cool them down immediately. Gradually lower your dog’s body temperature by wetting them down with a hose or bucket (avoiding their face), a fan blowing over damp skin will help in evaporative cooling and offer plenty of water. Avoid wrapping a wet towel around them or ice baths.

Contact your vet or nearest animal hospital as a matter of urgency and prepare to transport your pet, taking some wet towels for the trip ensuring the car is cool enough for transport, with the airconditioning turned on. This early intervention before arriving at your vet can often be lifesaving.

Tips for other types of pets:

Birds: using a spray bottle filled with water will help to keep your feathery friends cool this summer. A bird bath is also a great option. Ensure the bath is deep enough for your bird to have a splash around, but not so deep that they’re unable to get out on their own. Change their water a couple of times a day so that it is always cool as birds won’t drink warm water.

Fish: It is important to keep fish tanks away from windows and direct sun.

Small animals: Bunnies, ferrets and Guinea pigs are very sensitive to heat. It’s essential their hutch is kept in a cool, shady place and brought inside on days when the weather gets too hot.

No matter the type of pet you have, ensuring their water bowls remain full or contain ice cubes on warmer days is crucial.

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