Last night, Gunnedah Shire Council hosted a presentation for the Gunnedah Community Scholarship Fund – a wonderful initiative of Council in partnership with our businesses and community.
This fund was started more than 20 years ago when former Mayor Gae Swain saw statistics showing not as many young people were pursuing tertiary education in our Shire as elsewhere in the state.
Thanks to the very generous support from sponsors including Whitehaven Coal Ltd, Santos Ltd, Boggabri Coal, PRAMS (Paediatric and Maternity Support), Forsyths Accounting and Financial Services, Rotary Club of Gunnedah, Rotary Club of Gunnedah West, Club Gunnedah, Arts Gunnedah, new anonymous supporters who have made the Pamela Helen Rickard Scholarship possible, and many more local businesses and groups, these scholarships give our young people a helping hand.
This year, 18 students were awarded scholarships that can be used towards costs such as relocation, books, living expenses and tuition fees. Many of our young people have to move to pursue their tertiary education, and this is a great gesture of support from their home town to follow their dreams.
About 500 scholarships have been awarded over the past two decades, and many of those students have gone on to wonderful careers – some of them right back here in Gunnedah Shire.
This week is, of course, Australia Day week. Our annual Australia Day Awards celebrating our wonderful citizens who go above and beyond will be held on Saturday evening.
I am very much looking forward to this event. It is an important one to say thank you to the people who invest so much time and energy in our community to make it a better place to live.
Tickets for the event are available at
A big thank you too, to our Australia Day Working Group chaired by Cr Ann Luke who work hard to ensure Australia Day remains an event to remember in Gunnedah Shire.
The awards, which will be held at the Civic at 6.30pm, will come after an Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony to welcome our newest citizens.
On Australia Day itself, there are many activities planned, with a full schedule of events available on
Assisted by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council there will be free entry at the Gunnedah Memorial Pool Complex with a free barbecue lunch, and special movies on at The Civic. Community groups and businesses have also planned a host of fun activities.
There will be a community barbecue and entertainment at Emerald Hill, a free community barbecue at Breeza, a community breakfast at Piallaway, and a fishing competition at Carroll supported by Council’s Australia Day Working Group Village Grants.
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