Construction work has started on the roof replacement at Gunnedah shire’s indoor heated pool complex.

These works will include full replacement of the indoor pool ceiling, replacement of the front roof and gutters and the installation of an extra support pillar above the children’s play area, new wiring in the ceiling, and a full epoxy coating of the indoor pool which will extend the life of the indoor pool facility.

Rice Group Constructions site manager Michael Beattie said initial work started last week which involved removing the existing ceiling panels made of polystyrene.

“The main aim is to re-sheet this ceiling – I believe the last time this was done was in the 90s,” Mr Beattie said.

The site manager said the existing ceiling was past its useful life and required replacement.

Workers will install a different type of sheeting across the vast expanse of the pool roof, as well as improve other areas of the building and the pool itself.

“We’ll re-sheet the front of the building, as well, which due to the weather, water has leaked through the offices and first aid room which we’ll repair.

“We also need to re-line the pool.”

All going to plan, Mr Beattie said the refurbishment was anticipated to be complete by the end of March in time for the coming winter season.

Council agreed in November to reallocate $431,000 of general funds to the indoor pool roof project from a range of operational and capital budget adjustments.

Rice Construction Group was awarded the contract as the single source supplier to Gunnedah Shire Council for the construction of the Gunnedah Indoor Pool Ceiling Replacement and Associated Works Project to the value of $467,150 excluding GST.

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