The Gunnedah Times recently featured a look back at the life and times of local musician Frank Bourke. Soon after, we received this letter from reader, Robyn King:

“After reading the story about Frank Bourke and his musical career in your paper it was a mere coincidence that I had my granddaughter staying and she asked me to pull out the turntable that I have. 

“As we searched through my record collection what should turn up but this record, ‘Back to the Ballroom with Frank Bourke and the 
White Rose Orchestra’s Dance Album No.5!’

“It was probably from my parents’ (Archie and Nancy Thomson) record collection. They attended many balls and dances where the White Rose Orchestra was playing.”

Editor’s note: Robyn later remarked that the rediscovered turntable and album collection has had a thorough workout in recent days playing everything from rock and roll to classical and everything in between – including many of Frank’s songs of course!  

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