Nine-year-old Liam Wise, also known as ‘Cheeky’, has been hard at work growing his iconic mullet.

However, his locks now have an ulterior motive, with his fundraiser to raise money for the Kids with Cancer Foundation.

After almost three years of hair growing, he is preparing to cut his hair after he has reached his goal of $1000.

He made the decision a couple of months ago when he went into the barber shop.

“When we went down to the barber I was like ‘Mum can I get my mullet chopped off and
donate it to cancer?’” he said.

The end date will be determined once his goal has been reached.

Any money donated goes to the Kids with Cancer Foundation, while his hair will go to their Wigs 4 Kids™ campaign.

He is unsure at this point whether he will grow the mullet back, but maybe after summer.

People can donate to his fundraiser at Kids with Cancer Foundation Wigs 4 Kids™ campaign website, under “*Cheeky* Liam Wise”:

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