Gunnedah Shire Council major Jamie Chaffey is “appalled” Gunnedah’s new hospital will be reduced to a fraction of what had been promised.

It follows a brief to council from NSW Health.

Both the Coalition and Labor governments had assured the redevelopment would go ahead regardless of the election results earlier this year but the revised scope and design no longer assure all the services previously promised.

“Where is our promised infusion unit that will provide renal dialysis and oncology services? Where is the new theatre and day surgery? Where are the new medical imaging, new back of house, new plant room, new community health facilities, dental services, new front of house and the landscape we have all seen artwork of?” Cr Chaffey said.

Cr Chaffey was told there was no longer enough money for the plan.

Full story in Thursday’s edition of the Gunnedah Times.

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