RUNNING: The Gunnedah Gallop is back for another year.
The popular community fun run enters its 45th year with the staging of the event on Sunday, October 23 from 9am at the Gunnedah Showground.
The format will be the same as in previous years, with an 8km fun run through the residential areas of Gunnedah and 2km family walk around the showground and education precinct.
The 2022 Gunnedah Gallop is being staged by the Rotary Club of Gunnedah to promote community health and wellbeing.
“The Gallop is being held just two weeks after World Mental Health Day on October 10 and Rotary has a major focus on mental health support
during October,” Gunnedah Rotary Club president Mike Silver said.
“Proceeds from the Gallop will be directed towards Australian Rotary Health, which is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia.
“Australian Rotary Health provides funding focused on finding preventative and curative solutions for mental illness in young Australians.
“This year the funding focus will narrow to the mental health of children aged 0-12.
“Australian Rotary Health also supports a broad range of general health areas, providing scholarships for rural medical and nursing students, as well as Indigenous health students,” he added.
The Gunnedah Gallop had its origins in 1977 when it was promoted by the Gunnedah Apex Club, just six years after the inaugural City to Surf in Sydney.
The Gallop was the brainchild of local school teacher and Apexian, Trevor West.
The Apex Club continued to support the event for almost 30 years before it was taken on by other community interest and service groups.
“We are delighted to be supporting the Gunnedah Gallop in 2022 as several of our Rotary members were Apexians when the Gallop started in 1977,” Mr Silver concluded.
Electronic entry forms for the 2022 Gunnedah Gallop will be available from next week.
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