The ballot papers have been finalised for the 2023 NSW Election to be held on March 25 with eight candidates standing for the seat of Tamworth.
In order of appearance on the ballot paper, the local candidates include Ryan Brooke (The Greens), Rebecca McCredie (Informed Medical Options Party), Susan Raye (Legalise Cannabis Party), Mark Rodda (Independent), Kevin Anderson (The Nationals), Colin Drain (Sustainable Australia Party – Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption), Kate McGrath (Labor) and Matthew Scanlan (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers).
The list includes three candidates who are enrolled outside Tamworth electorate including the Sydney suburb of Cammeray (Raye), the Newcastle suburb of Cardiff (Drain) and the Inverell shire village of Stannifer (Scanlan).
The remaining candidates are based within the electorate including Hillvue (Brooke), McCredie (Somerton), South Tamworth (Rodda), East Tamworth (Anderson) and Gunnedah (McGrath).
Election day is Saturday, March 25, however, if residents are unable to visit a voting centre or polling place on election day, they may be eligible to vote early.
Eligibility criteria for early voting or pre-poll includes if people will be outside NSW on election day; will be more than 8km from a voting centre in the electorate on election day; will be travelling and unable to attend a voting centre on election day; are seriously ill or infirm, and due to such illness or infirmity will be unable to attend a voting centre; are approaching maternity; have religious membership or beliefs that prevent them from attending a voting centre on election day; are caring for a person outside of a hospital setting, which prevents them from attending a voting centre on election day; will be working on election day; are a silent elector; are a person with a disability; or believe that attending a voting centre on election day will place your personal safety or the safety of your family at risk.
Gunnedah’s early voting centre will be located at the town hall at 152 Conadilly Street and will be open from 9am-6pm on Saturday, March 18.
Thereafter, the centre will open from Monday, March 20 to Wednesday, March 22 (8.30am-5.30pm). It will also be open on Thursday, March 23 (8.30am-8pm) and Friday, March 24 (9am-6pm).
On election day (March 25), voting centres will be open 8am-6pm at Gunnedah South Public School on Bridge Street and the Gunnedah Town Hall. Voting will also be available at Carroll Public School, Mullaley Public School, Curlewis Public School and Somerton Public School.
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